时间 : 2023-03-24 17:36:38   来源 : 博客园


type Consumer func(key string, val interface{}) booltype Dict interface {   Get(key string) (val interface{}, exists bool)   Len() int   Put(key string, val interface{}) (result int)   PutIfAbsent(key string, val interface{}) (result int)   PutIfExists(key string, val interface{}) (result int)   Remove(key string) (result int)   ForEach(consumer Consumer)   Keys() []string   RandomKeys(limit int) []string   RandomDistinctKeys(limit int) []string   Clear()}




type SyncDict struct {   m sync.Map}func MakeSyncDict() *SyncDict {   return &SyncDict{}}func (dict *SyncDict) Get(key string) (val interface{}, exists bool) {   val, ok := dict.m.Load(key)   return val, ok}func (dict *SyncDict) Len() int {   length := 0   dict.m.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {      length++      return true   })   return length}func (dict *SyncDict) Put(key string, val interface{}) (result int) {   _, existed := dict.m.Load(key)   dict.m.Store(key, val)   if existed {      return 0   }   return 1}func (dict *SyncDict) PutIfAbsent(key string, val interface{}) (result int) {   _, existed := dict.m.Load(key)   if existed {      return 0   }   dict.m.Store(key, val)   return 1}func (dict *SyncDict) PutIfExists(key string, val interface{}) (result int) {   _, existed := dict.m.Load(key)   if existed {      dict.m.Store(key, val)      return 1   }   return 0}func (dict *SyncDict) Remove(key string) (result int) {   _, existed := dict.m.Load(key)   dict.m.Delete(key)   if existed {      return 1   }   return 0}func (dict *SyncDict) ForEach(consumer Consumer) {   dict.m.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {      consumer(key.(string), value)      return true   })}func (dict *SyncDict) Keys() []string {   result := make([]string, dict.Len())   i := 0   dict.m.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {      result[i] = key.(string)      i++      return true   })   return result}func (dict *SyncDict) RandomKeys(limit int) []string {   result := make([]string, limit)   for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {      dict.m.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {         result[i] = key.(string)         return false      })   }   return result}func (dict *SyncDict) RandomDistinctKeys(limit int) []string {   result := make([]string, limit)   i := 0   dict.m.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {      result[i] = key.(string)      i++      if i == limit {         return false      }      return true   })   return result}func (dict *SyncDict) Clear() {   *dict = *MakeSyncDict()}



type DB struct {index intdata  dict.Dict}type ExecFunc func(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Replytype CmdLine = [][]bytefunc makeDB() *DB {db := &DB{data: dict.MakeSyncDict(),}return db}func (db *DB) Exec(c resp.Connection, cmdLine [][]byte) resp.Reply {cmdName := strings.ToLower(string(cmdLine[0]))cmd, ok := cmdTable[cmdName]if !ok {return reply.MakeErrReply("ERR unknown command "" + cmdName + """)}if !validateArity(cmd.arity, cmdLine) {return reply.MakeArgNumErrReply(cmdName)}fun := cmd.executorreturn fun(db, cmdLine[1:]) // 把 set k v 中的set切掉}func validateArity(arity int, cmdArgs [][]byte) bool {argNum := len(cmdArgs)if arity >= 0 {return argNum == arity}return argNum >= -arity}func (db *DB) GetEntity(key string) (*database.DataEntity, bool) {raw, ok := db.data.Get(key)if !ok {return nil, false}entity, _ := raw.(*database.DataEntity)return entity, true}func (db *DB) PutEntity(key string, entity *database.DataEntity) int {return db.data.Put(key, entity)}func (db *DB) PutIfExists(key string, entity *database.DataEntity) int {return db.data.PutIfExists(key, entity)}func (db *DB) PutIfAbsent(key string, entity *database.DataEntity) int {return db.data.PutIfAbsent(key, entity)}func (db *DB) Remove(key string) {db.data.Remove(key)}func (db *DB) Removes(keys ...string) (deleted int) {deleted = 0for _, key := range keys {_, exists := db.data.Get(key)if exists {db.Remove(key)deleted++}}return deleted}func (db *DB) Flush() {db.data.Clear()}


定长:set k v => arity=3;变长:exists k1 k2 k3 ... => arity=-2,表示参数>=2个


var cmdTable = make(map[string]*command)type command struct {   executor ExecFunc   arity    int }func RegisterCommand(name string, executor ExecFunc, arity int) {   name = strings.ToLower(name)   cmdTable[name] = &command{      executor: executor,      arity:    arity,   }}



func Ping(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {    if len(args) == 0 {        return &reply.PongReply{}    } else if len(args) == 1 {        return reply.MakeStatusReply(string(args[0]))    } else {        return reply.MakeErrReply("ERR wrong number of arguments for "ping" command")    }}func init() {    RegisterCommand("ping", Ping, 1)}



func execDel(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   keys := make([]string, len(args))   for i, v := range args {      keys[i] = string(v)   }   deleted := db.Removes(keys...)   return reply.MakeIntReply(int64(deleted))}func execExists(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   result := int64(0)   for _, arg := range args {      key := string(arg)      _, exists := db.GetEntity(key)      if exists {         result++      }   }   return reply.MakeIntReply(result)}func execFlushDB(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   db.Flush()   return &reply.OkReply{}}func execType(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   key := string(args[0])   entity, exists := db.GetEntity(key)   if !exists {      return reply.MakeStatusReply("none")   }   switch entity.Data.(type) {   case []byte:      return reply.MakeStatusReply("string")   }   return &reply.UnknownErrReply{}}func execRename(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   if len(args) != 2 {      return reply.MakeErrReply("ERR wrong number of arguments for "rename" command")   }   src := string(args[0])   dest := string(args[1])      entity, ok := db.GetEntity(src)   if !ok {      return reply.MakeErrReply("no such key")   }   db.PutEntity(dest, entity)   db.Remove(src)   return &reply.OkReply{}}func execRenameNx(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   src := string(args[0])   dest := string(args[1])   _, exist := db.GetEntity(dest)   if exist {      return reply.MakeIntReply(0)   }   entity, ok := db.GetEntity(src)   if !ok {      return reply.MakeErrReply("no such key")   }   db.Removes(src, dest)   db.PutEntity(dest, entity)   return reply.MakeIntReply(1)}func execKeys(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   pattern := wildcard.CompilePattern(string(args[0]))   result := make([][]byte, 0)   db.data.ForEach(func(key string, val interface{}) bool {      if pattern.IsMatch(key) {         result = append(result, []byte(key))      }      return true   })   return reply.MakeMultiBulkReply(result)}func init() {   RegisterCommand("Del", execDel, -2)   RegisterCommand("Exists", execExists, -2)   RegisterCommand("Keys", execKeys, 2)   RegisterCommand("FlushDB", execFlushDB, -1)   RegisterCommand("Type", execType, 2)   RegisterCommand("Rename", execRename, 3)   RegisterCommand("RenameNx", execRenameNx, 3)}

keys.go实现以下指令:execDel:del k1 k2 k3 ...execExists:exist k1 k2 k3 ...execFlushDB:flushdbexecType:type k1execRename:rename k1 k2execRenameNx:renamenx k1 k2execKeys:keys(依赖lib包的工具类wildcard.go)


func execGet(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   key := string(args[0])   bytes, err := db.getAsString(key)   if err != nil {      return err   }   if bytes == nil {      return &reply.NullBulkReply{}   }   return reply.MakeBulkReply(bytes)}func (db *DB) getAsString(key string) ([]byte, reply.ErrorReply) {   entity, ok := db.GetEntity(key)   if !ok {      return nil, nil   }   bytes, ok := entity.Data.([]byte)   if !ok {      return nil, &reply.WrongTypeErrReply{}   }   return bytes, nil}func execSet(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   key := string(args[0])   value := args[1]   entity := &database.DataEntity{      Data: value,   }   db.PutEntity(key, entity)   return &reply.OkReply{}}func execSetNX(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   key := string(args[0])   value := args[1]   entity := &database.DataEntity{      Data: value,   }   result := db.PutIfAbsent(key, entity)   return reply.MakeIntReply(int64(result))}func execGetSet(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   key := string(args[0])   value := args[1]   entity, exists := db.GetEntity(key)   db.PutEntity(key, &database.DataEntity{Data: value})   if !exists {      return reply.MakeNullBulkReply()   }   old := entity.Data.([]byte)   return reply.MakeBulkReply(old)}func execStrLen(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   key := string(args[0])   entity, exists := db.GetEntity(key)   if !exists {      return reply.MakeNullBulkReply()   }   old := entity.Data.([]byte)   return reply.MakeIntReply(int64(len(old)))}func init() {   RegisterCommand("Get", execGet, 2)   RegisterCommand("Set", execSet, -3)   RegisterCommand("SetNx", execSetNX, 3)   RegisterCommand("GetSet", execGetSet, 3)   RegisterCommand("StrLen", execStrLen, 2)}

string.go实现以下指令:execGet:get k1execSet:set k vexecSetNX:setnex k vexecGetSet:getset k v 返回旧值execStrLen:strlen k


type Database struct {   dbSet []*DB}func NewDatabase() *Database {   mdb := &Database{}   if config.Properties.Databases == 0 {      config.Properties.Databases = 16   }   mdb.dbSet = make([]*DB, config.Properties.Databases)   for i := range mdb.dbSet {      singleDB := makeDB()      singleDB.index = i      mdb.dbSet[i] = singleDB   }   return mdb}func (mdb *Database) Exec(c resp.Connection, cmdLine [][]byte) (result resp.Reply) {   defer func() {      if err := recover(); err != nil {         logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("error occurs: %v\n%s", err, string(debug.Stack())))      }   }()   cmdName := strings.ToLower(string(cmdLine[0]))   if cmdName == "select" {      if len(cmdLine) != 2 {         return reply.MakeArgNumErrReply("select")      }      return execSelect(c, mdb, cmdLine[1:])   }   dbIndex := c.GetDBIndex()   selectedDB := mdb.dbSet[dbIndex]   return selectedDB.Exec(c, cmdLine)}func execSelect(c resp.Connection, mdb *Database, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {   dbIndex, err := strconv.Atoi(string(args[0]))   if err != nil {      return reply.MakeErrReply("ERR invalid DB index")   }   if dbIndex >= len(mdb.dbSet) {      return reply.MakeErrReply("ERR DB index is out of range")   }   c.SelectDB(dbIndex)   return reply.MakeOkReply()}func (mdb *Database) Close() {}func (mdb *Database) AfterClientClose(c resp.Connection) {}

Database:一组db的集合Exec:执行切换db指令或者其他指令execSelect方法:选择db(指令:select 2)


import (database2 "go-redis/database")func MakeHandler() *RespHandler {   var db database.Database   db = database2.NewDatabase()   return &RespHandler{      db: db,   }}




